1. What is your current position at FCR?
Senior Manager
2. When did you start working at FCR?
I did a summer term in 2014 and then started working fulltime in May 2015.
3. Can you share your career journey at FCR and how you progressed to your current role?
I started as a staff account in May 2015 as a fresh graduate from the commerce program at Laurentian. As a staff accountant I worked with managers and our tax team to draft financial statements and corporate tax returns as well as address the many accounting/tax related issues. As a staff accountant I was able to use what I learned in university and see how it was applicable to real businesses. Every year builds off the previous, eventually taking on more responsibility and more of a leadership role on the different engagements. Being promoted to manager, meant taking ownership over projects and client relations. As a manager, I was responsible for meeting client expectations which included finding value in every project we help our clients with. Being promoted to senior manager meant being a trusted advisor to our clients, managing staff and staff performance, being a resource to the firm and my colleagues, as well as taking on initiatives within the firm to help us be more efficient and more effectively deliver value to our clients.
4. What advice would you give to someone considering a career at FCR?
Do it. FCR is a fantastic place to hone your skills and become the best advisor that you can be. From working with different industries, clients of different sizes, touching different aspects of client related issues (tax, valuation, financing, accounting, etc) the learning never stops. This, along with working with smart and helpful colleagues make it a great place to build a career.
6. Describe your typical day (high level)
Meeting with clients to discuss their issues which could be anything from: financial reporting assistance, questions about financial best practices, various personal and corporate tax planning issues. Reviewing financial statements and the corresponding audit/review/compilation file. Mentoring and training of staff. Exploring new tools to help improve our processes.
7. What is the most fulfilling part of your position?
Being able to solve problems, whatever those may be. At FCR, we pride ourselves on being a trusted advisor and so we handle all sorts of problems that half the time aren’t even accounting related. I like to think that whatever issues are clients are dealing with in their business they can give us a call knowing that either we have the answer, will find the answer, or will connect them to someone with the answer.