The Real Economy, Canada: Fall 2021

Ian L. FitzPatrick, CPA,CA, CBV shared this article

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The unintended consequences of a public health crisis


Although well-intentioned, the response of policymakers to economic shocks as a result of the pandemic, combined with disruptions to the global supply chain and other threats to the global economy, could now threaten economic recovery in Canada.

Also in this issue: Canada feels the pinch from disruptions in the global supply chain, what’s next for the Liberals now that the federal election has come and gone, and what Canadian law firms can do to keep talent north of the border.

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Key takeaways from The Real Economy, Canada: Fall 2021

  • Fragile global supply chains disruptions will almost certainly delay the return of full production in the global economy until the middle of next year and create the conditions for further price volatility until the temporary roadblock that is the delta variant eases.
  • Despite not winning a majority, the Liberals will govern as if they have one in the short term.
  • More Canadian lawyers moved to the top 200 U.S. firms in the first six months of 2021 than they did in all of 2018, 2019 or 2020.

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This article was written by Joe Brusuelas, Alex Kotsopoulos and originally appeared on 2021-10-19 RSM Canada, and is available online at

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